2017 was a full year and we are thankful for all that it has given and taught us, but we cant wait to see what 2018 brings!
Congrats to those of you who succeeded in their news years resolution for 2017! And to everyone else, you deserve a pat on the back for your efforts toward self-improvement this last year.
We are at the beginning again of a new year and a fresh start, will you be committing to a new resolution? 41% of Americans set one for 2017. Of those, 68% made it through 2 weeks, further 45% made it 6 months and only 9% of those resolutions were fully achieved. These seem to be hard to maintain, but we had a few tips to help you reach your goals with the best chance of success.
- Keep it simple (keep your list short and the goals realistic)
- Make it tangible (measurable goals are easier to track and achieve if you can see progress)
- Talk about it (share with your friends and family, ask for support)
- Keep believing in yourself (don't beat yourself up, try and try again!)
- Reward yourself (set bench marks and reward yourself for the progress made)
We can do this! Cheers to 2018 and happiness for you in the coming year and getting one step closer to the people we want to be!
Stats: Statisticbrain.com